Also updated were the transitions and a new menu. I'm having a problem deciding what kind of layout I want for the 'Eye Candy' menu. It has been a thorn on my side to try to make it exactly how I want it. Another push to move towards Adobe InDesign? I think so...
Speaking of 'Eye Candy'....Through some networking I realized that there are a lot of people using some form of the words 'Eye Candy'. I have gotten used to having my URL and am quite happy with it, but it's time for a change. As far as what the new URL for my site will be? Probably something a little more simple.
Another needed change is the look of my business cards. Overnightprints.com did a great job of handling my order but I feel like I have grown out of the look that my current business cards have. I want these new ones to reflect where I am now and where I'm headed. I have some great ideas for it involving different textures which can manipulate light. I am a photographer after all and a business card is the only first impression you get to make sometimes so I want it to be amazingly unique.
Now onto the personal work. At the beginning of the year I told myself I wanted to publish a book. I also told those around me that I want to make this book a collaborative effort between me and other artists. I put the idea in the back of my mind to focus on other things. A couple weeks later I was fortunate enough to meet someone who is passionate about their form of art as much as I am about mine. We have already started to get the ball rolling and I'm extremely excited about it. Thats all the info im giving out about the book at this time so when I do another update I'll be sure to shed some more light on it.
Another collaborative effort I have in the works involves another photographer and my dream car. Needless to say I'm excited about that one too haha.
I like how life conspires to get you where you want to be so in saying that, I want to thank everybody now who has supported me and what I do. Even if you visit my site for a minute, I'm just happy you made an effort to get there. LEH GO!