So I listen to a lot of Hip-Hop and R&B and was out running an errand with my girlfriend. I was criticizing how some artists have the potential to be great, but there are nuances in their vocals in relation to the track that just aren't right.
For an example I'll use Lil Wayne considering he just got out of prison today: From his Lights Out album, which was the first Wayne album I ever purchased, to Carter III, he got progressively better. His metaphors kept getting better, and it's like he finally figured out where and when his voice would sound better at a certain point in the track. "A Milli" was outrageous, and the fact that he recorded parts of that song as a freestyle in a hotel in Amsterdam is a testament to how good he has gotten over the years. (
During that car ride that my girlfriend and I were taking, we were also comparing some new rappers to older ones. I swear...the next song that came on the radio was Jay-Z's 'Hard Knock Life'. After the song was over there was a long pause, and the first thing she said to me was "I'm sorry, but nobody can rap like he can". THATS the damn truth...
Jay's flow is ridiculously good...period.
So what does this have to do with my photography? Well a couple days later I was having a conversation about my photography and where I would like to go and some of the ideas I have. The comparison between the growth of rappers like Jay and Wayne was brought up and how it related to what is going on with my creativity. I realized I want a flow. A flow that no one else can compare to. A certain style of images that is unique to me, and only myself.
I want to do something amazing.
Bottom line is...I want my flow, and I'm not going to stop taking pictures until I know I got one. Even if it takes me a long ass time...although I hope it doesn't haha.
Keep Creative.