Well everyone.Back from a 'Statecation' and feeling refreshed.Although still a bit stressed about a few things here and there but overall doing well.Saw hot air balloons, went to a beautiful winery, and even went to see a minor league baseball game.(Shout out to Megan for the awesome seats!)
Also managed to get a slew of new pictures and finally got around to revising the website.Added a shop area thats still in the works, new categories, new pages for easier access, a contact form, and a video section thats going to be up soon with just a few videos from my cell phone I've taken so far.
It's incredible how much work just a few things can take.I was up two days straight until 2am working on it.I can finally say I'm comfortable about how the layout is. Still got a few loose ends here and there as always but not enough to overwhelm me like it was doing before the revision.
As far as work goes I have been keeping steady.Yesterday(Sunday) I spent most of the day shooting images for a company's website (www.USoutworkers.com). They specialize in asphalt repair, crack filling, and seal-coating.I have yet to show the owner the ~700 images I took from that day but I'm absolutely positive he'll love them.Updates on that later this week.
Up-coming shoots are still in the works as some of my wireless flash triggers are damaged
I still have several more pictures to edit so keep looking for updates on those! Enjoy and farewell.