It's been quite a long time since I have blogged.Spring time is finally here but for some reason we cannot get a couple days of sunshine without it being followed by torrential downpour and flooding.So I've been keeping it low key for awhile and still managed to come up with some new images here and there.
Anyway, it has been almost a month since these two photoshoots were shot and I have finally got some time to write about them. Fortunately I was lucky enough to squeeze these two shoots within a weekend and hammer out the pictures fairly quickly. I had another nervous issue before the shoot with Renee & Kevin for some reason, even though I knew there was nothing to worry about. My mind likes to play tricks on me by making me think I'm not good enough for scenario's such as this one.For example,it was blindingly bright that day.The sun was at it's highest with an overcast,and about 90% of the ground was covered in snow.Not an ideal shooting scenario incase you were wondering....I was thinking I'd be lucky to get 2 images without anyone squinting as if they'd just walked out of a cave into direct sunlight.(Although someone did do a great job of not showing it!)
BUT,like anyone else in less than ideal conditions,I adapted, and made the best of it.
Actually Kevin & Renee were so easy to work with so it wasn't just ALL me lol.I really don't think it could have gone any better than it did.They're personalities compliment each other in a way that made me become a better photographer.I'll sum it up in my two favorite words...Easy and Enjoyable.
Before heading to Park Ridge to Renee & Kevin I traveled a little ways across town to meet up with Kristina and her daughter Sophie.What can be said that I haven't already said about this little girl? For starters she had be cracking up throughout the duration of the shoot.I can't believe how smart and energetic this little girl is! It was another easy job to do and I really do think that the images came out better this time around then they did before.So far Kristina has sent all of my images of her daughter to 7 agencies and has gotten a call back from 4 of them!Way to go Sophie!Looking forward to seeing her on TV in the next couple of years.
Shout out to my cheerleader :-)