Friday, January 29, 2010

Shoot with Sophie!

Let me start off by saying that I have never shot a toddler for a portrait before.That being said...WOW! What a task!
I've always remembered the famous saying in show business, that you should "Never work with children or animals". Just because they're unpredictable. As a photographer photographing a child,in my opinion,this saying could not be farther from the truth.I had learned that to get what I wanted from Sophie,I just needed to let her do her own thing for the most part(with a little push from her mom).She was very smart and capable of understanding direction.I was making myself nervous by thinking about it too much before the shoot. As soon as I walked in the door and saw how adorable this little girl was,I knew it was in the bag and we were going to get some shots to be proud of. The shutter kept going and everything was feeling great...of course until spongebob squarepants came on.Distractions and a childs restlessness do not mix,lesson learned.

Overall we came out with great images.Sophie was the cutest and funniest little girl I've ever met,her makeup and hair were perfect[thanks to her mother],and my girlfriend,Chrissy, did an amazing job handling my requests and being a wonderful assistant.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Wow,writing about yourself is NOT easy...

Especially when you don't write so well to begin with.
The Bio tab on my website has been sitting there for several weeks now,pointing to a page where a ridiculous black and white picture of me was taken.Next to it has been an empty space,like a black hole if you will,sucking in my pointless attempts and writings of anything that lets people know who I am and what I do(or want to do in this case).
So what better way to deal with it then to just delete the tab altogether and set up a blog!! I'm thinking its a great way to let people know who I am and what I want to do[and can do!] by just typing and being myself.
To be honest I would have never imagined myself..."blogging",but apparently it is a great tool to market myself, and to let people know what I've been up to.I think of this as another way of social networking.Someone might ask, "But Mario, couldn't you just post a status update on facebook or something?" Yeah I could, but theres a whole lot of wierdo stalkers out there who could possibly facebook creep me,and im not down with that.

So anyway, I will definitely try to keep this updated with anything photo/website related.Even if no one actually reads this,at least I'll be happy in knowing that I'm stepping up my skills in writing.

+1 Skill Point